Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Too often we allow ourselves to fall victim to the negative influences of others.We take what jealous insecure people say to heart and end up living a miserable life,but if we’re going to live this life to the fullest we’ll have to learn how to ignore these types of people AND WHAT THEY SAY. Learn to avoid them when you see them coming,but we’re not always going to be able to escape them when they come across our path,so how do we deal with them ? Here is how,you have to develop some positive statements that pertain to you and whenever they come and talk that stuff you repeat those positive statements to yourself. For example when someome comes and says something to you that you don't like. You can say to yourself “ I am not who people say I am, I am who GOD says I am. I am the greatest” You see friends It’s not what they call you.it’s what you answer to that matters.Human beings seem to tend to remember when someone tells them something negative and it bothers them for the whole day,we have to learn to not let those kind of things stick in our minds.We have to learn to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones IMMEDIATELY. Don’t allow that junk to get down inside of you,cause things like that will only go down and poison the good inside of you.You’ll start to get angry and bitter.Don’t let some fool cause you to stop being the great person you are,learn to get above that,don’t allow yourself to stoop to their level.

Eagles are birds that fly at the highest altitude,no other bird can get up where they are.So whenever there’s a storm the eagle just rises above the storm where the atmosphere is clear.So be an eagle and rise above all that negative behaviour and comments.Don’t pick around with the chickens.They never fly they’re always just looking for something to pick at. Have you ever seen a chicken fly more than a few feet at a time ? So why do you want to stay at their level. Soar like the Eagle and see the world from a different altitude.Everything looks so small when you’re looking down at them.Get to a higher altitude. Try to forget the negative comments. I heard someone say the other day “ RUDENESS IS A SIGN OF LOW SELF ESTEEM.” Some of these people have problems and the only way they know how to solve them is to make someone else miserable haven’t you ever heard “ MISERY LOVES COMPANY.” Don’t let them get to you.Sometimes you’ll have to stand up to them and put them in their place once and for all. Tell them to go and sort out their troubles and quit passing them off on other people.
People are always going to say things we don’t like from time to time,we just have to learn how to deal with them and their insecurities.Life is too short to let these kind of people take our joy and cut into our happiness.

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